Rotorua Urban
There are 11 bus routes which cover the Rotorua Urban area and its many tourist attractions. Select your route below or use Journey Planner or Transit App to plan your journey from start to finish.
Murupara and Ruatahuna timetable is here
01Ngongotahā via Rainbow Springs/Skyline/Heritage Farm and Agrodome
03Ōwhata via Lynmore and the Redwoods
04Sunnybrook via Fordlands
05Western Heights via Selwyn Heights
06Kawaha Point via Rotorua Hospital
07Mitchell Downs via Clayton Road
08Westbrook via Malfroy Road
10Rotorua Airport via Ngāpuna and Ōwhata
11Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology via Fenton Park and Te Puia
12Tihi-O-Tonga via Glenholme and Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology